Missed Appointment Policy
We expect all of our patients to advise us in good time if they cannot attend an appointment so that appointment can be offered to another patient.
We fully understand that there may be genuine reasons for not attending an appointment and also that errors can be made by the practice when booking appointments.
In normal circumstances where there is no reason for an appointment being missed the practice will follow the policy below.
Missed Appointment Process
If you do not attend 3 appointments within a 12 month period, you are at risk of being removed from the surgery.
Certain circumstances will be taken into account however as a general rule the process is detailed below:
- Did not attend 1 appointment – 1st warning letter/text
- Did not attend 2 appointments – 2nd warning letter/text
- Did not attend 3 appointments – Removal Letter – Removed from list and asked to register at another surgery.
This includes appointments with GP or nurse, but does not include post natal, 8 week baby check, child immunisations or memory clinic. However attendance of these appointments are monitored and will be discussed on a case by case basis.