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Ordering repeat prescriptions

The easiest ways to order repeat prescriptions are:

  • using your NHS account (through the NHS website or in the NHS App)
  • using the GP online system: SystmOnline
  • by ticking the boxes on the repeat prescription form and leaving in the repeat prescription box at the surgery. You can do this when you collect your medication so you do not have to remember the following month
  • by post, enclose a stamped addressed envelope if you wish it to be posted back

You can order your repeat prescriptions up to 2 weeks in advance. If you order earlier than this your prescription will not be processed.

If you have a reason for needing to order your prescription early please discuss this with the reception team.

Prescription medicines order line (MOL)

There is a central team called the NHS prescription medicines order line (MOL) and you can order your repeat prescription through a quick and simple phone 0115 855 0260, 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).

To save you waiting in a phone queue MOLS have introduced a call back system where patients can email a request for a call back from a MOL operative.

In the email itself please follow this procedure and state:

  • The name of their GP practice
  • Their name
  • Their date of birth
  • Their contact phone number
  • Press send

Please note that no responses will be provided via email as the purpose of email is to request a call back only. They expect to be able to call patients back within 48 hours (excluding Saturdays and Sundays) but that may vary according to the volume of enquiries they are processing. They will attempt to call patients back three times only.

Collecting your prescription


Prescriptions will be ready for collection 2 working days after we have received your request, although sometimes the doctor will need to see you before issuing the prescription.

You will need to choose a pharmacy to collect your prescription from. We call this nominating a pharmacy.

You can change your nominated pharmacy at any time:

  • on the app or website where you order repeat prescriptions
  • fill out a nominate a pharmacy form
  • at any pharmacy that accepts repeat prescriptions

Patients travelling outside of the UK

Under NHS legislation, the NHS ceases to have responsibility for medical care of patients when they leave the UK. For patients who will be out of the country for up to 3 months, the practice will provide sufficient medicines for an existing condition if clinically appropriate.

Patients leaving the UK for more than 3 months are advised to register with a local doctor for their continuing medical needs. This may need to be paid for by the patient. The practice will provide up to 3 months of medication to allow time to register with a doctor in the destination country. If the practice is aware that a patient is outside the UK for longer than 3 months we may consider de-registering them in line with NHS regulations.

The practice is not responsible for issuing “just in case” prescriptions for medical problems which may arise while abroad. The exception to this are patients who are routinely supplied with rescue medication as part of a personal care plan. The practice advises patients to obtain adequate travel insurance and access medical advice while abroad.

Questions about your prescription

If you have questions about your medicine, your local pharmacists can answer these. They can also answer questions on medicines you can buy without a prescription.

The NHS website has information on how your medicine works, how and when to take it, possible side effects and answers to your common questions.

Go to Medicines A to Z

Medication reviews

All patients on repeat prescriptions need to be seen by the doctor or nurse from time to time, you can always request a medication review if you feel as if you need to see the doctor.

Prescription charges

Find out more about prescription charges.

What to do with old medicines

Take it to the pharmacy you got it from. Do not put it in your household bin or flush it down the toilet.

About pharmacists

As qualified healthcare professionals, pharmacists can offer advice on minor illnesses such as:

  • coughs
  • colds
  • sore throats
  • tummy trouble
  • aches and pains

They can also advise on medicine that you can buy without a prescription.

Find a pharmacy

Many pharmacies are open until late and at weekends. You do not need an appointment.

Most pharmacies have a private room where you can discuss issues with pharmacy staff.

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 6 January 2025